Sunday, October 28, 2012

28. The Masterpiece

I saw a carpenter strolling through an art gallery
Studying each painting carefully
Admiring mostly their wooden frames
Proving once again
The beauty we see
Is in the eyes of the masterpiece we behold ourselves to be

Saturday, October 27, 2012

27. Mother Mind

My poems seem to come from another mind
Where thoughts and feelings mate and incubate
Before being born as poems
To make known what's grown in my mother mind

Thursday, October 25, 2012

26. The Birthday Door

Next year I'll be sixty-five
And chances are I'll still be alive
To pass through that special birthday door
Into a seniors' world ready to explore
To discover
To learn
To grow
To know
Until it's time to step through another door
And follow all those who have gone through before

Monday, October 22, 2012

25. Dementia of a Social Kind

It's called the long goodbye
When our memories fade to black
Before we die
A fearsome prospect to say the least
But when it comes to our common memory
Our history

Most prefer a mystery
We view dementia of a personal kind as terrifying
But dementia of a social kind

As hardly worth noticing
We chuckle at forgetful elders
Who repeat themselves 
But fail to see the joke
When history does the same
Over and over again
I guess the laugh's on us

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

24. Destiny's Destination

If you have a destiny
You have a destination
If you have a calling
You have a caller
Could it be the one waiting for you
At destiny's destination

Friday, October 12, 2012

23. There's Got To Be An Answer

When I was five
It dawned on me I was alive
And one day would die

I wondered why
I've searched for the answer
Long and hard
High and low
Far and wide
Here and there
Anywhere and everywhere
From anyone with a story to tell
Even from a tipping chair
All agree to a beginning
But not between then and the end
So my search goes on
For a new story
To study
To contemplate
To meditate
To cogitate
There's got to be an answer
Maybe I'll find it
After another careful review
Of an ancient tale
But how will I know if it's true
Another question to ponder
For one who believes
A seeker will find
Could that be why we have a mind

Monday, October 1, 2012

22. From Where Our Dragons Come

I once thought we humans are thinking beings
With emotions
But the longer I live
The more I'm inclined to believe
We're emotional beings
Who can think
Feelings permitting
How else to explain
All the things we do and say
That to the rational mind seem insane
Those who study the brain
Claim to have found lizard tracks
Leading to a darker time
When our earliest parents lived in the slime
A troubling thought
For the children of God
Who scoff at the notion
Of a reptile nesting in our brain
But researchers insist it's there
And have given our little lizard an elegant name
The one to blame for the things we do and say
The rational mind deems insane
I guess the eggs in Amy's nest
Are from where our dragons come