Wednesday, December 1, 2021

105. The Lasting Past

I do my best not to live in the past
Don’t do it, I’m told
It’s bad for you
But sometimes I wonder 
If the past is living in me
It surely seems to be that way
In my mind from time to time
As my life unfolds
Each stage kind of rhymes

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

104. Sealing The Deal

His life was not what he thought it should be
An inner voice kept whispering 
The meaning is missing
He dreamed of becoming a better being
An ideal he could nearly see and feel
Determined to make it clear and real
He stepped forward and sealed the deal

Sunday, March 28, 2021

103. The True You

There’s the me, myself and I
Then there’s the psyche, spirit and soul
And of course the mighty ego
With its hiding shadow
There’s also that other tricky trio
The person with a personality
And its pretender 
Known as the persona
How do you know which of these identities
Is the true one and only you